what should know before signing an receipt, release, and indemnity agreement…

what should know before signing an receipt, release, and indemnity agreement form. I was in a wreck in Louisiana and now i’m settling my claim is there anything i need to ask or know before i sign this form??

One thought on “what should know before signing an receipt, release, and indemnity agreement…

  1. Dear LawGuru Friend,

    Simply stated, you need to understand fully what you
    are signing and the legal consequences of signing it.
    If you have not already signed it and sent it to the
    insurance company, feel free to e-mail me with your name
    and phone number, and I will call you and discuss it with
    you. My e-mail address is hparkerson@suddenlink.net.
    If you want to and know how to, you may elect to scan
    it into your computer and e-mail me a copy of the
    document you are being asked to sign. There will be no
    charge for discussing this matter with me.


    Hardy Parkerson, J.D.
    Atty. – Retired
    127 Greenway Street
    Lake Charles, LA 70605

    Hardy Parkerson
    Retired Attorney; now Law Professor
    3309 Common Street, Suite B
    Lake Charles, LA 70601

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