Purchase a mobile home I filed bankruptcy in 1995.

Purchase a mobile home
I filed bankruptcy in 1995. In 2000 my mother-in-law purchased a double wide mobile home. Now I am stationed in WV and wish to purchase this home from her, but credit issues will not allow this. In order for the military to consider this my residence and relocate the home at their cost it must be mine. Is their any type of legal document we can obtain from my mother in law? We would like to purchase it from her direct, or something to that affect.

disability indemnity claim My DIC claim was denied stating my decease husband …

disability indemnity claim
My DIC claim was denied stating my decease husband had only been rated 100 percent for four years prior to his death and therfore was not considered totally disabled. He however been rated 60% disabled for at least 12 years prior to his death and also unemployable. Would that not be considered totally disabled? Can I file an appeal on those grounds?

We submitted a “Acceptance Form and Release” concerning a dispute.

We submitted a “Acceptance Form and Release” concerning a dispute. That form was sent back to us because we “redacted” the “Hold Harmless Clause” paragraph. i…e….they said quote “we cannot accept this form as a valid signed Release”.

We believe we as litigants “have a right” to protect our right to sue in the future should any other findings of facts come out.

Are we right or is the Claims Administrator correct? We want them to re-negotiate the money amount and we are at a dead end on our part. Also, the company, and (subsidary) we believe is also covered because the Clause implies any “affiliates”. We especially want to sue them because they were not a part of the original case. We won the case, but three yrs. later we are still going at it. The class action lawsuit was in WV and we live in Nevada.

Today is Saturday, April 17, 2010 @ 1615 hrs.


Breaking rental lease At the beginining of April this year I asked the landlord…

Breaking rental lease
At the beginining of April this year I asked the landlord if I could break my lease due to family members illness and my availability to help take care of said family member. Was told that if I could find another person to rent apt then i could get out of my lease. I did but she denied that person because she has kids! Other tenants have kids!! there is also a parking problem here…I have to park with either my front/back end in the main road…i still owe a lot of money for my car and have told landlord that if it gets hit i am responsible because i am in the road…was told that in ??? years no one has ever gotten hit! So…now what do I do? i have already found another place and want to move. Also with my work hours the neighbors kids keep me from getting rest. i work all kinds of different hours and the kids are very nosiy. have called the landlord several times concerning this matter. how do i get out of here legally….my rent and security deposit have already been paid on new place.