property rights
A woman lives on a piece of property that I have recently inheritated. She has lived there since 1972. She has paid no tax on the property, only on the mobile home that she owns. She has no papers of anykind on the property. I was told by an attorney in Anderson that a judge would give her the property if it goes to court, and by another that a judge would probably give her a life stay. Any opinion?
Tag Archives: South Carolina
Home sale gone south Three years ago I sold a mobile home with property.
Home sale gone south
Three years ago I sold a mobile home with property. Contract was drawn with lawyer office and real estate agent. The contract was for three years approx. $700.00 monthly payment and a $70,000.00 final payoff at end of three years. Now the buyer cannot get financing and wants to walk away. The buyers name is on the Bond for title with mine. What course of action can I take. I have been told that a judge will not hold the buyer responsible if I pursue legal action. If the house goes into foreclosure who will be held responsible? What should I do, legal action or cut my loses?
Type your question here.
Type your question here…My Husband and I would like to seek temporary custody of our 2 year old Grandson., Our son was recently incarcerated for criminal domestic violence and making moonshine in his kitchen. Our Grandson stays with us 95% of the time. They have made numerous decisions that would question there parenting skills. I mean making moonshine which is highly flammable in a small kitchen of a mobile home with a 2 year old present? They have also had there power turnedf off numerous times and did not tell us and stayed in 28 degree temps with no heat. My son has drove stone drunk with our Grandson and his wife in the car and she thinks this is ok. Many other incidents TOO numerous ti list. We have kept very detailed documentation of all of this. They get Food stamps and WIC but our Grandson never sees any of this. We buy all of his food and clothing. Would we have a strong case for custody?
What happens after forclosure In september of 1997 I purchased a mobile home.
What happens after forclosure
In september of 1997 I purchased a mobile home.
A land home package with a mortgage broker arranging
the financing. In order to make the loan. The mortgage
broker had a mortgage company to accept the loan.
Heres the kicker the mortgage company would only go 75% of the asking price. The seller (a mobile home dealer) then took out a (imaginary 2nd mortgage of 25%) thus after raising the price 25% the seller got their full asking price the mortgage which was never even supposed to be recorded was. And after I moved in I was supposed to sign a covenant(never mentioned before. this was all to be taken care of at refinance
after 1 year but was not because mortgage broker Now
couldnt get re-finace accomplished mobile home dealer
got money 100% of asking price mort broker got money
2600.00 at closing and eventually i had home foreclosed on 2 years later. It has been over a year
since we moved out and it still hasnt sold for mortgage company is demanding judgement after all said and done… What are my options I would love to
dig in their pockets like they all did mine. Bear in mind this is the short version thank you..
childcustody My ex husband has custody of my 2 children they are 9 and 10…
My ex husband has custody of my 2 children they are 9 and 10 yeahrs old . When we divorced i told him he can have full custody sence i didnt have a job and im from another country so i didnt really know the laws. Everything went good with me seeing my kids all the time till he got another women now they are not married . He gave her Power of attorney for the children for educational desions and medical treatment. He is a out on the road all week due to his work so his new women had the kids all week. She is telling me i cant see the kids and when there is a problem while the kids are with me i call there dad on the phone she tells me i cant call him i have to talk to her and if i call again she will restrict me from seeing the kids . She said i have no rights no visitation or anyhting. What are her rights and what are my rights?