I have sold my mobile home, but in order for the buyer to move it, he will have to pull it across my neighbors’ land. My question is, if he does damage to their property, whose responsibility is it? Mine as the landowner or the new owner of the trailer? My property is only accessible by an easement on one neighbors land, but the mover will have to venture out in one of the neighbors hay fields and they both are already upset about the potential damage. Thank you! Jan
Tag Archives: Real Estate and Real Property
designating a power of attorney i am the sole survivor of my mother who…
designating a power of attorney
i am the sole survivor of my mother who resided, and was consequently killed in the small west african nation of sierra leone three years ago. Yesterday, i received a call from a relative of mine who also resides in that country, and he explained that my mother had owned land, but since no one ever claimed the land, others acquired it illegally- a common practice in that country. Anyway, i want to designate the power of attorney, to this relative, who will act on my behalf, since i am abled to travel at this time. how do i go about doing this? will a simple notorized letter do?
–name removed—name removed–serpentinesfire@hotmail.com
Selling Propety My Son has been sent to prison he has given me power of…
Selling Propety
My Son has been sent to prison he has given me power of attorney w/finanial POA to sell his land.His and wife’s signature are on contract buying the property. We have been making the payments to keep from loosing the property, they got kicked out of Chapter 13. We drew up a Fin. POA for her to sign so we can sell. She refuses to sign because we and he wants money put in bank to care for her and 3 children while he is inc.She wants it split, needless to say we no why,before he went to trail she already had someone else.Our problem is with the financial mess they are in and 52 x’s hearings in bankruptcy procedures against them, We feel she is not capable of handling the money and can prove so.
Is there a court procedure such as Partitioning for a sell and ask the judge to dtermine what to do? Which court would we file? We are only talking about 10,000 maybe little more. So can’t afford an attorney to do it.
Thanks for any advice.
My mother is dying of cancer and very incoherent because of the medication.
My mother is dying of cancer and very incoherent because of the medication. How do I become her power of attorney? I am already her health care sarrogate. She has property that needs to be sold, can I sell it for her?
When does my first Mortgage Payment Begin?
When does my first Mortgage Payment Begin?
I bought a property in DFW area of TX. I was out of the country when escrow closed. I gave Power Of Attorney to friend to sign for me. The 1st set of documents was signed on Dec 01, 2005. The 2nd was signed on Dec 7th. Escrow settlement papers showed that the Title Co prorated the rent (from Tenants) on Dec 8th. when they received the 2nd batch of documents that they sent to my friend and was signed on Dec 07. No Borrower’s copies of documents signed were left with my friend. The title co. Lady informed me over the phone that my first payment is due on 2/1/06.
The Mortg. Co. has sold the loan. Now the first Mortg Co. is asking for a payment they said was due Jan 1. They said that the papers were dated November 30th. & the loans got funded on Nov. 30. They insist that though we signed the papers on Dec 1 & 7, their papers were prepared & dated for November 30th & thus I am liable to pay mortgage on Jan 1 (3 weeks after we signed the papers)
They refused to answer:
1)How can my loan fund before we signed anything?
2)If my loan fonded 11/30/05 why then did they prorate the rent?
Pls, when did the building become mine? Finally, what should I do to make these people let me start paying my notes starting Feb 1, 2006?