Want To Sell Mobile Home Privately
We own a double-wide mobile home (we hold the title) that sits on a rented lot. Someone wants to purchase the MH by putting X amount of money down and then pay us the balance over the course of a year. How do we go about this? What forms do we need? Do we still hold the title until the balance is paid off? Who is responsible for the taxes? Any help you can provide in the process would be appreciated. Thanks!
Tag Archives: Real Estate and Real Property
My sons trailer, my land My son financed a mobile home since 1996.
My sons trailer, my land
My son financed a mobile home since 1996. The trailer sits on my land and my name is not on the notes. I have been living in the trailer with my son the whole time. He was paying the note and more for years. Because he was paying more than the note he just paid each month and didn’t pay attention that the note had ballooned to much more than he was paying. He hasn’t paid a note in months. I understand that they now own the trailer, but since I’m still living in it do they have to give me an eviction notice?
failure to disclose flooding problems I purchased land and personal property a…
failure to disclose flooding problems
I purchased land and personal property a mobile home and deck 2/07. It was covered in snow during my 2 visits. I questioned to RE agent about the wettness of the land, her response was we had alot of snow. the disclosure form did not have that question answered, it was left blank. I over looked it at closing. when I brought it to the RE office attention, they’ve offered no assistance. I paid 5K for the land lot, is it worth persueing? can I? Should I? I recently met the RE agent who sold the property to the seller, he says they knew, and he knew too.
legal right of heir I am one of five heirs to a home on 5 acres and I want to…
legal right of heir
I am one of five heirs to a home on 5 acres and I want to live there and not sell. I would buy out others but I am a single mother on SSI, AFDC and childsupport and do not qulify for loans. I used to live there and when my sister became executor she made me move to sell. Sale did not go through and I cant afford my so called affordable apartment. Can I move back and live there? Selling it would cause me finacial hardship by loss of benifits unless I spend it in 30 days and I originally lived ther in a mobile home on a temporary hardship for me as a displaced family member. I want to go home! What can I do?
quick claim SECOND REQUEST.
quick claim
i recently went thru a divorce
and the property (mobile home) was quick claimed to me….
HIS (my x) name is still on the loan as his credit was better than mine… I now have the home for sale and my question is, IF someone came up with he equity i put down on it, can i quick claim the property to them????? i just want my $ back & out!