Unlawful Detainer-Evicition My mortgage company foreclosed on my home on…

Unlawful Detainer-Evicition
My mortgage company foreclosed on my home on December 10,1999 and I was served a ”Notice to Quit” (I was not informed my loan was in default prior to Dec.10, 1999). I hired an attorney and he contacted the mortgage company attorney’s. I was then served with an Unlawful Detainer-Eviction Summons. I went to court several times and finally on April 6, 2000 the court ruled in my favor and awarded me attorney fees and court costs. Outside the court house on April 6 my attorney told me that we now needed to take the mortgage co. back into court to have the house put back into my name, again in May he told me the same
and he wanted $4000.00 to start this process.
Yesterday I went to the Recorder Dept. and found the house was put back into my name on April 7, 2000. I no longer want my attorney to work for me and I have requested my files (all my original checks and other paper work to support my case is in that file), he told me my file was in archive’s and it would take two weeks to get my file. Is there a time frame he has to give me my files? Also I want to sue the mortage company for damages, is there a time limit that I need to file?

Eviction I served a 30-day notice to quit to my tenant on Sept 1, 2002.

I served a 30-day notice to quit to my tenant on Sept 1, 2002. As of October 31, 2002, they are no longer staying on the property, but some of there things have been left. Also, they have been coming in the middle of the night to pick up some of their things. Can I change the locks now? Is there any other parperwork that I need to do? What do I do with the things they have left?

Posting a rental sign with old tenants still living on property Can a landlord…

Posting a rental sign with old tenants still living on property
Can a landlord post a For Rent sign on the property even if there are tenants still living at property? Tenants already gave 30-day notice to quit to landlord.
Also,can a landlord show the property to new prospective tenants by giving the present tenants a 24 hour notice to show property?
What privacy rights do the present tenants have. We don’t want to do anything illegal.

Notice to Quit, Tenant rights On 05-20-02, I was given a Notice to Quit after…

Notice to Quit, Tenant rights
On 05-20-02, I was given a Notice to Quit after six years at the same residence. The Notice required departure by June 30, 2002. Can I leave the residence prior to the first of June 2002? Is the Notice to Quit mean that I have from date of given notice to the end of the Notice to vacate? My landlord, contrary to an Attorney is stating that I cannot move until the end of June.