Tenant Problems
I have inherited a duplex rental property. The upstairs tenant has not paid rent since May. We got a judgement for non payment of rent against him on 8-12-02 and notified the sheriff’s office and were within 24 hours of having him removed. He then filed for chapt 13 bankruptcy which really complicated things. He has yet to make a payment to anyone, and he has broken all of the windows and moved other people into the apt with him. I have hired an attorney and he says that we must take our time before we can go to bankruptcy court. He has also said we will try to get a notice to quit on the property destruction thing. I believe he is a crackhead and would jump at a chance for some money. Is there a legal document that could be drafted that I could get him to sign, that would give me back the rights to his apt?
Tag Archives: Real Estate and Real Property
notice to quit I bought a foreclosure and the tenant that previously owned the…
notice to quit
I bought a foreclosure and the tenant that previously owned the property is still there. all the notice to quits that i find pertain to tenants with a lease. my situation is different. do i still use the same thing??
Demurr My landlord served me a 30 day notice to quit in February, then…
My landlord served me a 30 day notice to quit in February, then they
served me with an unlawful detainer. I filed a demurr. The points I
noted in the demurr are based on the fact that my landlord refuses to
give me a reason, financial hardship, and that I paid rent. A real
estate friend of mine feels I would lose the demurr because my points
are not meant for a demurr. He suggests I not show up for the hearing
on the demurr and move on to the answer. Would you have any suggestions
for my situation? I am also concerned about what I should do to protect my record in the event that I do have to move?
Hold over vs Eviction Company A was the lessee in a year to year lease with…
Hold over vs Eviction
Company A was the lessee in a year to year lease with company B. A purchased a new building that was not ready before that year’s lease with B was up. B extended the lease for 6 months, but due to construction and city delays beyond A’s control the building was still not ready at the end of the extension. The lease contract has a hold over clause requiring an additional 20% above and beyond the regular payment. For the last three months A has paid the additional hold over money and B has cashed each check.
B just served A with a 30 day notice to quit and has threatened eviction if A does not sign another 1 yr. lease. It will be another two to three months before A’s building is move in ready.
If A continues to pay the additional hold over money what are its options? How long can A expect to legally stay under the hold over clause if B continues to cash the checks. {A has offered to double the rent for the duration of its stay over but there is a small measure of bad blood between A & B.} How long does the eviction process take? A is a construction company that supports 15 – 20 families who would suffer greatly if A could not do business for two to three months.
I need Real Estate Attorney Question regarding foreclosure and Notice to Quit.
I need Real Estate Attorney Question regarding foreclosure and Notice to Quit.
I have default mortgage with Wells Fargo. Modification did not work out, so got a realtor and went for Short Sale, submitted package and Bank said they will assign a negotiator. Realtor has not heard from them once. Got notified that property been foreclosed on and other real estate agent got listing or trying to not sure. Called Wells Wargo with Realtor they said I called and cancelled short sale so property got foreclosed automatically. FANNIE MAE is the alleged owner now. Wells Fargo dont have records of the conversation to confirm cancellation. Bunch of CRAP!!! Talked to supervisor and submitted another short sale package to reverse the foreclosure. Now I got NOTICE TO QUIT from a law firm representing Fannie Mae. Called Wells Fargo again, they dont want to do anything. REcords are not updated supposedly they said they send email to supervisor in foreclosure department.Do I have legal recourse against Wells Fargo? What are my rights regarding Notice to Quit? How long can I stay in the property now? Can I extend eviction when it comes to it? Thank you.