Getting a Mobile Home Title from the Lienholder The quick and dirty of it.

Getting a Mobile Home Title from the Lienholder
The quick and dirty of it.

My parents declared bankruptcy approx. 8 years ago, the mobile home they had was never repossed, gone after etc., and no further bills came. I have been living in it for 7 years. I now need to move and would like to get the title for it so I can sell it, or worse case scenario get out of there without it coming after me or my mother. My mother is the registered owner, but not legal owner on the title.

The company that held the lien is now out of business, but may have been bought out by another company and it doesn’t show on the title search.

Any input on how I can get this title from whomever has it now? The mobile home needs a ton of work so I am not thinking that it would be disputed as it isn’t the type of thing a bank or mortgage lender would want on the books.


Real Estate Agreement of Sale–PA I am a seller of a home in PA that closes…

Real Estate Agreement of Sale–PA
I am a seller of a home in PA that closes this week. The Agreement of Sale (AOS) is written on the standard PA Association of Realtors form Revised 9/05. Our septic system did not pass so a new one is being installed now although even if the new one is not in by closing it will not prevent our closing the deal as the current system is functioning. Once we knew the septic needed replacement and the Buyer wanted us to deal with it we presented the Buyer with the contractually required Written Corrective Proposal to which per the AOS the Buyer had 5 days to respond to as spelled out in line 338 of AOS. He did not so my read is that since the Buyer chose Option 1 per line 333 he is bound by the provisions of line 184 which says he accepts the property and releases us per line 513. In other words by not responding he accepted our Written Corrective Proposal and is on the hook for his deposit and must close. Because the AOS is so darn confusing, should I ask for a hold harmless or general release at closing to be sure that once the new septic is in we are done with this matter or does what I just stated protect me enough?

Is there a requirement in California that the homeowner should receive notice…

Is there a requirement in California that the homeowner should receive notice just before a foreclosure sale or is a notice almost a year earlier sufficient “notice” to do the sale whenever they want? In other words, I was sent a breach notice; and then a foreclosure notice; and then a sale date notice a year ago, Jan. 2009. But I called my mortgage lender to work things out and they stopped the sale and put me in a hardship category but couldn’t do a loan modification because I wasn’t working and they told me to contact them when I had a job. Then Obama issued a moratorium on foreclosures for three months for properties bought during 2004 – 2006 or 07. This bought some time for me. Then that decree was done in August ’08. I got a job in late October. In the meantime, I kept getting monthly notices from my lender about the balance owed but no further notices about a sale. Then two days after Thanksgiving, a notice was posted on my door stating that a sale happened. No notice. A week later I got another posting of a three-day notice to quit. No further notice. Evidently the bank took my property back. I wanted to work it out with them. They have now filed an unlawful detainer complaint in court. I haven’t been served yet. My question is twofold: Aren’t they required to give me notice just before the sale (not ten or eleven months earlier)? Is there anything I can do to forestall the eviction and even get my property back?

1/2 sale of Joint Tennancy I own a home deeded ” Joint tenancy w/ right of…

1/2 sale of Joint Tennancy
I own a home deeded ” Joint tenancy w/ right of survivorship” w/a FORMER girlfriend. I wish to sell, she either does not, or is dragging her heels while the housing market implodes and the possible selling price drops. Several questions. #1) As a Joint tenant, may I sell MY half interest in the home?? #2) The ”X” has been making noise about going after the assets of my new wife to compensate her for losses on the house. Are any of my new spouse’s assets in jeopardy as a result of this house acquired long before our marriage?. #3) The ”X” has moved in a new boyfriend and his kids, to the home in question. It was MY intent to rent out some of the spare bedrooms to try to offset rent. A I within legal rights, as 1/2 owner of the property, to send invoices to the ”new occupant” for rent. demand for payment, notice to quit???

Unlawful Detainer We were given a 30-day notice to quit on 12/1/01.

Unlawful Detainer
We were given a 30-day notice to quit on 12/1/01.
Is this notice legit, if there is no explanation as to why she is giving this notice?
WE asked the landlord if we could have more time,because we have no where to go. She said she would think about it. She told us we could have another month(verbally). She broke agreement and gave us summons on 1/4/02. We have a 6 month old and no where to go. We have court on 1/29/02 and we are asking the judge for a full 90 days and court fees. DO we have a good chance of this being in our favor?