i resently purchased a mobile home in a mobile home park yesterday i lost half of the poiwer to my mobile home i only have refridgerator microwave and dishwasher no lights heater cooler can not use outlets i had an electrician look to see what he could find well it turns out to be nothing wrong in my house i callled the landlord from whom i rent my space from he sent out an electrician his electrician said that i was only getting 110 volts instead of 220 he notified the park owner i have to leave my home because i have a small child of 16 month old the owner of the park said he wouldnt be able to fix the problem until saturday which is 6 days later what are my rights to this problem thank you jana hicks
Tag Archives: Real Estate and Real Property
Fighting eviction from our mobile home We were served a termination letter to…
Fighting eviction from our mobile home
We were served a termination letter to move from our mobile home that we have lived there for 5years. we experienced a unfortunate citiuation, my husband had fallen asleep in our car and a tow truck driver tried to reposses it with him in it. well there was a confrontation, and we have an attorney helping us with that case, but we were given an eviction notice saying that we are a substainal annoyance to our neighbors and all of the informaiton that is in the papers are not correct. i only have two days left before the 60days are up and i need some help. we have never had any trouble and we do not fight all the time like the papers say. we have never been served with a notice of any sort to do with being a nussance to our neighbors. law officers have never been dispatched to our home for loud fights or anything like that. what can i do ? if you can help me or direct me i would greatly appreciate it.
thank you for your time.
–name removed–l–name removed–
out of fresno california
please help I went to move a mobile home today that I own because the tenant…
please help
I went to move a mobile home today that I own because the tenant moved out and hadn’t paid his payment for four months. As the movers were putting on the axles the man that owned the land said we couldn’t move till he had his money from the tenant for lease of his land. I am only 27 and own 5 mobile homes that I rent and I sold this one. So, my question is can I move my trailer. I am in Mississippi if that makes a difference.
I live in California.
I live in California. I am a single 43 yr old disabled woman with no minor children, and I live alone. I am wanting to purchase a modular home in a senior citizen mobile home park. I found 2 homes in 2 different senior parks. My problem is that one of the parks told me that they had to allow some disabled people into the park and said I could purchase in thier park. But the other senior mobile parks says no and that they do not have to allow and disabled people if they are under 55 yrs old.
My problem is the difference in the homes and prices are day and night and I really want to purchase the home in the park that is saying “no”? Is there anything I can legally do to get the home I want???
We do have mobile home parks that are no senior citizens only, but they are in bad parts of the town and I wouldn’t board my dog there, let alone live there.
Thank-you for any help you can give me. It is greatly appreciated!!!!
Selling a mobile home My friend has a mobile home that he owns he is 81 Years…
Selling a mobile home
My friend has a mobile home that he owns he is 81 Years old. Due to his age and health he has giving me full power of attorney to handle this for him. Every time we have someone to buy this mobile home the owner of the park denies them with a credit check. The current guy that wants to buy it I know has perfict credit and she has not even checked him out the only reason she will give me is that she does not him to own it. I have told her that starting next month the mobile home will be in my name so that i will be making the space rent payment she told me that she will not allow me to make the payment. she has stated the she reather wait for my friend to die and put a lien on the mobile home rather than himself nor myself be able to sell it. I would like to know what right does this lady have to do this she ownes the land not the property.