Purchase a mobile home
I filed bankruptcy in 1995. In 2000 my mother-in-law purchased a double wide mobile home. Now I am stationed in WV and wish to purchase this home from her, but credit issues will not allow this. In order for the military to consider this my residence and relocate the home at their cost it must be mine. Is their any type of legal document we can obtain from my mother in law? We would like to purchase it from her direct, or something to that affect.
Tag Archives: Real Estate and Real Property
rezoning Fl statute 723.
Fl statute 723.083 states a municipality if rezoning would
cause the relocation of a mobile home park then the municipality must determine the impact of the proposed rezoning. Our city argues that the key word is would – as there are no sites available within the city that would accept mobile homes of the vintage of the park we believe we have been harmed and could be entitled to either having the zoning reverted to prior one or damages as a result of this change of land use facilitating the sale of the property we are renting.
Home sale gone south Three years ago I sold a mobile home with property.
Home sale gone south
Three years ago I sold a mobile home with property. Contract was drawn with lawyer office and real estate agent. The contract was for three years approx. $700.00 monthly payment and a $70,000.00 final payoff at end of three years. Now the buyer cannot get financing and wants to walk away. The buyers name is on the Bond for title with mine. What course of action can I take. I have been told that a judge will not hold the buyer responsible if I pursue legal action. If the house goes into foreclosure who will be held responsible? What should I do, legal action or cut my loses?
Purchase Agreement I signed a purchase agreement on a mobile home.
Purchase Agreement
I signed a purchase agreement on a mobile home. Husband did not. It has both names on the form to be signed by plus I initialed where it has earnest money on it. We put down $15,000.00. Have I messed up. We live in Va. but the trailer we want to buy is in tennessee. We found out after the fact that there will probably be extra costs that were listed on back of form I did not see. What can I do to rectify this situation.
Contract Default We recently sold a mobile home.
Contract Default
We recently sold a mobile home.
We were willing to work with the
people buying it. We took $3000
down and wrote up a contract for
the remaining $4420 (this includes
our original deposit that we let the
buyer take to pay the first months
lot fee) The deposit was written
into the contract.
They agreed to pay $800 a month.
The the first payment was due April
25, which was late and not paid
until May 1.
The May payment has yet to be
paid, it is June 15.
Do we have legal grounds for
eviction with no money paid back to
the buyer? We do still hold the title
to the mobile home, to be
transferred when the loan amount
had been satisfied.