If a tree falls on a mobile home and caused injury, is the mobile home park responsible when stating in the contract that all trees are cared for by the park not the tenants?
Tag Archives: Real Estate and Real Property
land that used to be in my name I`ve been living on land for ten years and…
land that used to be in my name
I`ve been living on land for ten years and paying the land tax, this land used to be in my name and my three siblings, I signed my part over so it could be used for colllateral to buy mymother a newmobile home. That was about five years ago and just recently my brother has insisted that I move do I have any rights?
My landlord is trying to collect a 10% commission on the sale of my mobile home.
My landlord is trying to collect a 10% commission on the sale of my mobile home.
I rented a lot for 18 years without a lease where I had my mobile home. About the 6th year my landlord came up with this plan that he would charge anyone selling thier home a 10% commission because he felt that we got more for our home because it was on his land. We never had anything in writing about anything. When I sold my home last year he started in on my owing him 10%. I spoke to the realtor helping me buy my new house. He told me to stay away from the guy. Which I did now for the past several months he’s been sending me certified letters threatening to take me to court. He claims he has witnesses to my agreeing to pay him. When I moved he was making such a fuss that the check I received from the buyer for thier portion of the lot rent I signed over to him. He is now claiming that it was my first payment towards the 10%. It wasn’t, I was just trying to get out of there. What can I do to stop this? I’m a single woman and can’t afford the 10%.
Probate My granfather passed away and left my aunt in charge of his possesions.
My granfather passed away and left my aunt in charge of his possesions. She gave me his mobile home and I would like to sell it but she never put anything in my name and wont give me a straight answer as to when she will. Is there a way I can do this on my own without her?
forclosure does a mobile home owner renting a private lot, when property…
does a mobile home owner renting a private lot, when property forcloses, need legal eviction, or, what amount of time does the new owner have, to give the mobile home owner to vacate?