help my wife left me after 12 yrs of marriage, it all started when she stopped…

my wife left me after 12 yrs of marriage, it all started when she stopped paying bills and i asked her to put her check into my bank account so we could get caught up,combine incomes,i noticed bills were not getting paid when i got a call at work from her saying the power was cut off and the bill was 1295.00 to put it back on, she has been out of the house for 2 months and gone every weekend for the past 5 months,her son is 17 and will be 18 in september, hes got a jouvinile record, lost his liscence for six months and doesnt work, if i decided to make him live somewhere else, can i lose my house,. i got a quit claim deed in my name and it has been recorded, the morgage is still in both names, ive managed to get caught up on all the bills except for my house taxes, so i dont want to lose my house by doing anything stupid and jeperdising that. i asked my wife is i need to call a divorce lawyer but she says no not yet in the mean time my life is on hold. She says she is still faithful but i have friends and ex co workers of hers saying she has been having an affair for a couple years on me. I want to make some changes step son messing up the house constantly i need to get him out so i can do repairs to the house.please advise

power of attorney My parents are seniors and ill.

power of attorney
My parents are seniors and ill. My brothers name is on their checking account, and they do not have very many assets. Do we need a power of attorney and how do we get one if we do not have an attorney? We do have a durable power of attorney for health. Are there any other documents we may need if they are not able to make decisions?

Thank you