accident with rental truck I was driving a rental truck and hit a vehicle in…

accident with rental truck
I was driving a rental truck and hit a vehicle in the rental lot. I did minimal damage to the vehicles involved. I was informed that the coverage I purchased at the time I signed the rental agreement would take care of the matter. 8 months later I received a letter that reads: ”We [the insurance company of the owner of the car I hit] have received a claim for the loss [from the insurer of the rental vehicle]. If you carried auto insurance at the time of the accident, your insurance would be Primary and will handle this for you. Please fill in the…information…[including] Insurance Company….” Is the owner’s insurance company just trying to satisfy the owner, by seeking a greater amount through my insurance company than the estimate acceptable to the rental firm’s insurer? My deductible is $1,000, slightly more than the amount of the damage, so I’m concerned that I’ll have to pay. Thanks for any comments.

On 8/22/09 I went to a used car lot in Lancaster Ohio called Instant Auto Sales…

On 8/22/09 I went to a used car lot in Lancaster Ohio called Instant Auto Sales LLC. The owner of the lot ordered us a car from We have a “bill of sale” for the purchase price that we agreed upon for this vehicle. We were told that the car would be shipped to the Instant Auto Sales lot and that when it came in, we could pick it up and finish all the paperwork. Now the owner of the lot is avoiding our calls, not returning messages, and has the vehicle listed on his website for sale at a higher price. Do we have any legal footing to go after this company to get this car for the agreed upon price?

Real Estate Tenancy laws Sexual Harassment I live in an apartment.

Real Estate Tenancy laws Sexual Harassment
I live in an apartment. When I moved in, I didn’t sign a lease or any kind of rental agreement regarding any late fees if they didn’t have their rent by the 5th. of the month. I was just told it was due by the 5th. I was late one time and the landlord told me I owed him forty dollars. I paid him the forty dollars on the first of the next month. This was 1 year ago, now my landlord informs me that I owe him forty dollars for each successive month after that, because it worked like a revolving account. It just kept building for all these months without me knowing anything about it. My landlord is harrassing me to kick my boyfriend out of the apartment and he will work out what he says I owe him. He has already served me with a handwritten notice to leave the premises. The landlord told me if my boyfriend leaves he will drop the whole thing. He constantly stops by to take care of the water softener and tells me how much he’d like to have sex with me and to get rid of my boyfriend. He makes me very uncomfortable and I hide when I see him pull up. I want to know how much of this behavior he can get away with?

living will, will My father died 2 years ago, he had 2 personal belongings that…

living will, will
My father died 2 years ago, he had 2 personal belongings that are very important to my brother and I however his new wife has given one item to his sister(our aunt) and the other we are told is in a saftey deposit box. We believe that he did have a living will but are not sure, what can we do? The only thing that was given to us was his clothes and I have his license, my brother was promised his necklace, but never recieved it. Again, what can we do?