Rightful animal ownership Over 12 monthes ago I was given a horse by a…

Rightful animal ownership
Over 12 monthes ago I was given a horse by a gentleman who stated he could no longer care for it. No money exchanged but also there was no bill of sale or any papers. Now this man calls and says the horse was origionally belonged to his son he would like it back or will we pay the son $900.00. We are devistated. with boarding cost all the Vet. fees and other Equine needs we have several $1000’s our horse. My question would be is there anyway for us to keep the horse and if I would have to give her back could he bill him for the expenses we have occured such as boarding and veterinary cost. Thank you for your quick reply, Tammy

Taking a Co-Lessee off of a Rental Lease I recently signed a one year rental…

Taking a Co-Lessee off of a Rental Lease
I recently signed a one year rental lease with a friend. We are both on the lease and moved into the house together. She is upset because I am asking her to clean up after herself and not come home partying and waking me up when I have to get up early. Every time we’ve had words, she says she doesn’t want to live with me any more and threatens to call the landlord and take me off of the lease.
She said she has talked with an attorney who told her she can take me off the lease.
Now, I don’t think this is true, because we are equal co-lessees on the rental agreement.
Is there some loophole to this? Is there any way she can have me ”taken” off the lease?
Thank you.

75 days after move-out, still no deposit returned My roommate called our old…

75 days after move-out, still no deposit returned
My roommate called our old landlord sometime during the month after our move-out date of 8/31/02 to inquire about our security deposit. My roommate informed me that in this call he left a forwarding address and a phone number to call in case the landlord needed more information. According to my roommate he made this call several times throughout the month of September, but never heard back from the landlord. I got upset and decided to phone the landlord myself sometime around 10/4/02. He returned my call and said that our lease stated he had 60 days to return our deposit, and that he would get it to me by then. The Ohio Revised Code says that the deposit must be returned within 30 days after termination of rental agreement, but since he says the lease stated 60 days I thought I’d wait the 60 days before contacting him again. It is now 11/14/02, 75 days after termination of our rental agreement and have not received the deposit. We have given the landlord our forwarding address and phone number. What are any legal actions I can take against this landlord, fees, penalties that I can inform him of?

Dads Death No Will Step Children My dad passed away in february.

Dads Death No Will Step Children
My dad passed away in february. My step brother (whom my dad did not adopt) has been living/renting my dads house for 18 years. I am the next of kin. There is no will, my father verbally told my step brother he could have the house. There is a mortgage on the house with my step mothers and my dads name on it. but the deed is only made out to my dad.
Legally that is now my house? correct?
If I go to probate, apply to executor of his estate, am I then responsible for my fathers debts? Or does the probate court take care of them?
There are personal items that belonged to my father , grandfather and grandmother that is still in the house that I would like to retreve. Can I just go in and get them?
There is no rental agreement or lease or anything in writing that my step brother was doing nothing but paying my dad 435.00 a month to live there then my dad was paying his own mortgage payment everything.
Please help, am so darn confused as what I do from here.