my dad’s will I am durable power of attorney for my dad and his house is in my…

my dad’s will
I am durable power of attorney for my dad and his house is in my name by way of a life estate. In his will he has my sister and my brother as being entitled to equal shares of his estate. I have lived in the house for 2 and a half years and have done major repairs and improvements. I have paid the property taxes and also have an 18 month old daughter living there. the house was put in my name before the will was made and I have been the one caring for my dad for over 5 years. Upon his death will I have to sell the house and divide the money between siblings?

Sweetheart Scam My 87 year old Uncle is caught in a textbook sweetheart scam.

Sweetheart Scam
My 87 year old Uncle is caught in a textbook sweetheart scam. My father is his durable power of attorney. Long story short, my uncle agreed to having my father’s name added to his brokerage account and on the deed to his home. My parents have known my uncle for over 65 years. They are relatives and the best of friends. My Uncle had been lying about the nature of his ”friendship” with this young woman. She told him their friendship is nobody’s business but theirs. She lives in another state and their friendship consists of two scheduled phone calls per week. She went to visit my uncle in New York last week, and we have reason to believe she took him to her attorney to change his will. She told him he didn’t have to tell my Dad or his current attorney. She has now convinced him that she is the daughter he never had. He is so lonely and vulnerable that he will believe anything she says. She has written scathing e-mails to my Uncle in an attempt to alienate him from his family and true friends. But my Dad and Mom continue to help him because it’s the right thing to do. Can my uncle prepare another will leaving her as beneficiary? Can we stop her from scamming him?

durable power of attorney and living will I have been taking care of my mother…

durable power of attorney and living will
I have been taking care of my mother CA since late 2005. I pay her bills and groceries online -with her ok, do her income and real estate taxes and have spent a lot of money in good will. The POA said my bro and I could act separately. He was annoyed telling her I could steal from her since I already had access to $. I can prove this false. Well, the POA”disappeared” and I told my brother w needed a new one. He took mom to a lawyer in 2008 (fall) and this is what ensued: 1. A new POA where ”we must work together” (he lives in Atlanta and I in SF); 2. A Living Will w/o a separate healthcare proxey that states we must both make joint decisions of her health 3. The original will he has, and I am the executor. There is no trust. The problem is now we have to cosign, we argue constantly (I do all the work. I came to visit, found a disaster, put her in hospital, and have been here in NY for 7 weeks.). The POA is not usuable, and per my lawyer, the living will is invalid: we are joint agents (need 1 in NY). She likely lacks capacity to change her docs. Should I file for sole guardianship? The stress of arguing is killing me; he threatens everyone; there was also
no attorney/client priveledge when the docs were done.

Power of Attorney I was given Durable power of attorney for my sister who has…

Power of Attorney
I was given Durable power of attorney for my sister who has Altzhiermers disease. Her husband just died the other day. I need to know if the durable poa which was witnessed before a notary public is valid and binding. If not what should I do because she is unable to take care of her bills and such. Her husband made me the executrix of his will also, which was done with his lawyer.
buffalo, ny