Terminating rights to adult children
I am a 25 year old part time student who is employed full time, living on my own. My mother, who has filed for bankruptcy, has drug, alcohol, and stealing as recurring problems, is basically completely estranged. I would like to terminate any legal rights she might have to me, so that she can not have access to any decisions made for health care if I were taken ill, she can not have legal access to my children, she can not continue to have access to my college loans. I understand I can make a living will, assign power of attorney, etc, but I want to absolutely cut off her ability to legally make claim on any aspect of my life. Are there any specific steps I can take? I can only find literature on terminating the rights of parents of minors. And is there more I should do other that just a living will, a will, power of attorney, etc?
Thank you.
Tag Archives: New York
Living Will Trust My mother and father have a living will trust.
Living Will Trust
My mother and father have a living will trust. My father recently passed away and now my mother is the power of attorney. My mother was diagnosed with begining stage of Alzheimers and my sister informed me that since my mother is not capable of making decisions that my sisters and I have the power of attorney. She now tells me that I must give up my right as such and give her sole power of attorney,. Now that was not in the will and does she have the right to change it? Will this make the will null and void? Will she be allowed to put my mother in a honme and sell her home and cars and all she owns?
power of attorney – proxy My sister has terminal cancer living in NY.
power of attorney – proxy
My sister has terminal cancer living in NY. Has appointed a person who has been falsely documented medically with a mental condition. The person has been defrauding the social security administration for years in receiving a monthly SSI check. Currently she and my sister share an apartment and split the rent. I am interested in filing for guardianship of my sister. My sister has been unduly influenced by this person to name this person beneficiary of her life insurance policy.The ”proxy” has refused to provide medical information to any family members now that my sister is hospitalized. My sister has been on mind altering perscrption drugs for years and now is on at least 10 other medications as it relates to the cancer. When I speak with her she appears to act very irrational and wants to shut out the family. Her statement: ”I am in full control of my life and I am making the decisions”. We as family know that the ”proxy” is in her ear 247. The ”proxy” stands to benefit to the tune of $100K from the insurance. The ”proxy” has no livihood but is 50 yrs.old in college. The Will, Living Will and Power of Attorney was done in early august 06, approximately a week after my sister was diagnosed. Does the family have any legal recourse
Apartment Issues My wife and I rented an apartment 1 year ago from century 21.
Apartment Issues
My wife and I rented an apartment 1 year ago from century 21.We signed a rental agreement for 1 year which has now expired.I found out later this apartment was not a legal two family dwelling.There was a tenant upstairs and now there is a tenant downstairs.For months now we have been complaining to the landlord that when the tenant downstairs uses his bathroom we get sewage smells.He has an illegal set up down there with a pump that pumps the sewage up and out.My wife and I have gotten sick 4 times this year with bacterial lung infections and bronchitis.We feel it is coming from these odors.The landlord comes and says he smells nothing and does nothing.Once he put chemicals down the sewage line ,it did not help for long.We want to move but can”t find a place for the rent we are paying now.I am also on a thin line at work from taking too much time off.I coudn”t help it tho I was real sick.What can I do.Since it isn”t legal and was rented to me like it was thru century 21 Do I have a law suit?I am sure sewage gases can be unhealthy.
House rental agreement I plan to rent a house and operate an approved NY home…
House rental agreement
I plan to rent a house and operate an approved NY home daycare, with the landlord approval. Can a landlord break a rental agreement and for what reason? What if they want to sell the home after we moved in? Thank you