Private Party Auto Sale Gone Bad
I recently sold a classic car to a guy. It was an automatic transmission car but he wanted it converted to a manual. we agreed on a price including the installation of the manual transmission. The car ran fine after the work but died one block away from the guys house. We pushed it to his house signed the title and he payed me almost in full. He kept $500.00 to fix it. On my own time i went to his house the next two days to try and fix it, then collect my $500.00, but couldn’t get it started. He still has the $500.00. He took it to a mechanic who claims the whole motor is bad and needs replacing. Now the guy wants me to give him some money back. I didn’t think to write ”AS IS” on the bill of sale. I feel bad for him but does he have a legitimate claim? What is the law in this situation? Thank you so much.