Private Party Auto Sale Gone Bad Hello, I recently sold a classic car to a…

Private Party Auto Sale Gone Bad

I recently sold a classic car to a guy. It was an automatic transmission car but he wanted it converted to a manual. we agreed on a price including the installation of the manual transmission. The car ran fine after the work but died one block away from the guys house. We pushed it to his house signed the title and he payed me almost in full. He kept $500.00 to fix it. On my own time i went to his house the next two days to try and fix it, then collect my $500.00, but couldn’t get it started. He still has the $500.00. He took it to a mechanic who claims the whole motor is bad and needs replacing. Now the guy wants me to give him some money back. I didn’t think to write ”AS IS” on the bill of sale. I feel bad for him but does he have a legitimate claim? What is the law in this situation? Thank you so much.

selling a car, buyer not satisfied i sold a car to a man in norway.

selling a car, buyer not satisfied
i sold a car to a man in norway. he sent me money and i sent him the car. i made a bill of sale saying the car is sold ”as is” and signed it. i sent all the paper work to him and the car. he paid for it all. he gets the car and says that in the description i wrote that the car has no rust. i did not see any rust on the car so i wrote that. he finds some rust and says he wants to sue me for a refund on the car becasue i said it had no rust and it does. can he sue me for that?

stolen car ?

stolen car ?
My ex-wife has my car in New York State registered in my name with no insurance. I never wrote a purchase agreement or anything stating that the car was a gift and zero dollars were exchanged. She has been living in NY since November of 2005. Since, she has made no attempt to register the vehicle in the state of NY. There are no leins the car paid in full, I have the Bill of Sale. I also have a duplicate title. If I take the car back can she report it stolen even though my name is the only name on the title?

Private Automobile Purchase My husband works with a man whose father passed…

Private Automobile Purchase
My husband works with a man whose father passed away and his mother was selling the family vehicle. He was told it is a really good car. We went to look at it to purchase for our college age son to drive to work this summer. We told her why we were buying it and that we knew her son and daughter in law. She verbally guaranteed the vehicle. We could not drive it to have it checked out because there was no insurance or registration on it. We were buying on trust. The vehicles frame, brake line and gas line are shot. She wrote the bill of sale as is and said too bad. Do we have a case for small claims court?

private party auto-sale I recently bought a used lexus from a private party…

private party auto-sale
I recently bought a used lexus from a private party in new jersey (i live in new york). The car seemed to be in excellent condition. After failing the NY state inspection due to emissions, I took the car into a lexus dealer and had them run diagnotstics. They came back with a grim report – about $6,000 dollars worth of work needed! I paid $8200 for the car. Lexus had no records of previous service or maintenance with the previous owner, so I can’t prove he knew anything was wrong with the car. I called him after I found all this out and he said he thought the car was in great condition. The repairs needed range from leaks in several different components, cracked motor mounts, full tune-up needed (past due), alternator, and more.

I don’t think an ”as is” bill of sale was signed, unless there was a clause like that on the back of the title.

Do I have any options? (other than paying for the repair).
