can this possibly be legal?

can this possibly be legal?????
If I hold a legal private land contract, and the holder of the mortgage wants to evict me, and files in the supreme court to have me evicted, and than, prior to any court action on his filing, removes and destroys my personal property, with no notice, CAN the police and DA’s office ignore my claims of burglary and theft by the lien holder? Was he within his rights to destroy my belongings? Or, as i beleive, once the case was presented to court, I had a reasonable expectation of privacy and notification???? Please help!!!!!!!

Contract for deed who pays what I am owner of 2 family home negotiating with…

Contract for deed who pays what
I am owner of 2 family home negotiating with first floor tenant to purchase home with contract for deed.
In NYC does contract for deed agreement get filed with the deed in county clerk office?
Until agreement is fulfilled, as the owner, am I still entitled to collect the rent from 2nd floor tenant?
Who pays the taxes and insurance while house is under this contract?
At this time I do pay the oil and water bills. Would I still be responsible under contract?
I will be consulting an attorney but for now I was just interested in who was responsible for what expenses.
thank you

When a relitive dies and has land ,but an invalid will My father and his wife…

When a relitive dies and has land ,but an invalid will
My father and his wife sold there home on a land contract before moving to florida.AAfew years later he passed away.He had a will that was signed by a justice of the peace and it stated his wife got everything.Later the land contract went south and his wife was forces to evict.The tenant decides to buy the home.The lawyer found that the deed was still in my dads name only.My question is if she does not own the land who does.I am his only living relitive.