
apt. Share
can landlord move as roommate since
month to month is not willing to pay
the full rent, only her share. Also she
is not looking for anyone to share, she
wants me to find her room mates that
she aproves. What is her rights and
what is the landlords? Should I go
ahead and send her a 30 days notice?
Or should I let a lawyer do the entire
procedure? Thank you

Rental lease termination I recently got a job approx.

Rental lease termination
I recently got a job approx. 1.5 hours from where i had a leased apartment. I have six months left on my lease and i could npt afford to drive back and forth. I talked to my landlord and she would not let me out of my lease until either i find someone to sublet the apartment, or she puts it on a list and she leases it. In the mean time i cannot afford to move into another place near my new job and i have since moved out of the apartment and i am living with my mother until i can get this resolved. I actually make less now then at my previous job which i left for personal reasons, so i could not afford the apartment now anyway. My question is, is there anyway i can get out of my lease under my current situation? What can i do, i am running out of money, and what happens when i cant pay the rent or my other bills because i am still paying on this apartment?