what charges could be charged on a person who privately sold a mobile home that she didn\’t legally own?
Tag Archives: New York
child power of attorney through army reserves i am going into basic for army…
child power of attorney through army reserves
i am going into basic for army reserves. i will be gone 5mths. i want to give my boyfriend power of attorney because my childrens father is unfit to have them that long. if the father takes them on a weekend when i leave does he have to give them back? can my boyfriend do anything if the father refuses to return the kids?
Power of Attorney How often does POA papers need to be notorized in the State…
Power of Attorney
How often does POA papers need to be notorized in the State of NY?
Power of Attorney – Where to go Where would a person go to apply for or provide…
Power of Attorney – Where to go
Where would a person go to apply for or provide the paperwork to become Power of Attorney for an elderly, disabled parent? This is for Westchester County, specifically Yonkers, NY.
Selling a property when there is no power of attorney I am one of five siblings…
Selling a property when there is no power of attorney
I am one of five siblings whose mother is incompetent. I believe there is no power of attorney. She is currently living with one sibling who has not paid taxes on her property or his own since 1997. He has told his siblings he would be taking care of this when we found out a few weeks ago but has not. Both houses are still on the anticipated auction list; soon to be put on confirmed auction. If we can arrange payments of the tax liens on my mother’s property, would siblings be able to sell property without power of attorney or do we need to wait until it becomes part of her estate? Also, what would it take to force the sibling in control to reveal all her financial records to the other four? He is thankfully taking fairly good care of her, however, he refuses any outside help, nursing home for mom,or help with paying bills, etc. I don’t know if he has been paying her other bills, but he has been handling her finances for about 15 years. Answers to my questions and any other advice would be greatly appreciated.