land contract
if someone quits paying on a land contract, what are my options
Tag Archives: Michigan
Contract I sold a 10 acre parcel on a land contract that I had an driveway…
I sold a 10 acre parcel on a land contract that I had an driveway easement crossing it. The Grant of Easement ”ran with the land”. Later the buyer paid off the land contract and got a warranty deed. The buyer also closed the old driveway and the neighbor sued for breach of contract. Question: Did my responsibility end when the land contract was signed or when the warranty deed was issued?
non- payment of land contract Hello, In Michigan I have a house that I had a…
non- payment of land contract
In Michigan I have a house that I had a notorized land contract with my nephew. The payment were made directly to my mortagage company. I have recieved a letter from the company stating the payments are 2 months and soon to be 3 months behind.
I have contacted my nephew who refuses to pay, he said take me to court. I don’t have that kind of money and want him out of the house. What is my steps to do this.
Land Contract Pitfall My friend recently purchsed a home, without the benifit…
Land Contract Pitfall
My friend recently purchsed a home, without the benifit of a agent. Because she is on assistance and on FYI she purchased the home from the owner on a land contract. The seller used this property as a rental unit and he verbally agreed to fix minor damanges to the house and remove several cars left on he property. When attempting to move in the house, the water was turned off. The water department states that there is a overdue bill from the previouse tenant. What can she do now. The cars and water issue must be resolved.
Land contract or quit claim deed My father purchased a second home for me to…
Land contract or quit claim deed
My father purchased a second home for me to live in, he wants to place me on the deed for insurance reasons….would it be better for us to to do a quit claim or a land contract