Air Conditioning I live in Phoenix, Arizona and I pay on a month to month basis.

Air Conditioning
I live in Phoenix, Arizona and I pay on a month to month basis. The temps here are still in the upper 80’s to Lower 90’s. Is it legal for the Landlord to turn off the air conditioning. I also have a big gap in my one screen I have and can’t open it because of bugs. I have asked for this to be repaired several times. SO now the air is off and I can’t even open my window.
Thank you

My husband and I recently aquired a dog and my landlord is threatoning to kick…

My husband and I recently aquired a dog and my landlord is threatoning to kick us out if we dont get rid of her. There is no lot rental lease, it was up in july of 08, I have asked him to present us with another lease and he has not. We are in a contract for deed to buy the trailer that we live in. The dog is a medium – large dog, she is a lab mix. He states that the other dogs in the trailer park were “grandfathered” in because they were here before he took over the park. I know for a fact of one dog for sure that was allowed to stay that is part pitbull and part rottweiler that he allowed to stay. There have been break ins lately and my husband works out of town. I do not feel completely safe here with out the dog. We follow all the dog rules, we do not take her out of the house with out a leash, we keep her inside she has had all her shots and has no history of violence or aggression towards people. She is 3 years old and is spayed. Can he really evict us for this?

Tenant Security Deposit Rights:
I was half of the party on a rental lease.

Tenant Security Deposit Rights:
I was half of the party on a rental lease. There was a deposit required to rent the property and upon moving out/lease terminated a check was issued for the deposit solely in the name of the other party. If we were cosigners on the lease and both responsible for the payment, was it legal for the landlord to issue the deposit check only in the name of one of the parties?