I have been living with my grandmother at a home of which we have a month to…

I have been living with my grandmother at a home of which we have a month to month lease with our landlord (My name as well as hers is on the lease). My grandmother recently told me that she is having my uncle and his girlfriend move in at the end of December and he is a known crack addict who calls drug dealers to the home when he used to live with her at our previous home. I have two children that live in the home with us, as well as my elderly disabled grandfather and my younger adult brother. There are no empty rooms in the home for them to even move into. I feel extremely worried about the safety of myself and my children as well as our belongings. I explained this to her and she doesn’t care and is moving him in against my wishes and will have the landlord take me off the lease. I explained to her that I am on the lease and I have the right to refuse him from moving in. My question is, do I have the legal right to not have him move in and does she have a legal right to go against my consent and take my off the lease?

my friend needs help/victim of identity theft My friend recently was involved…

my friend needs help/victim of identity theft
My friend recently was involved w/ identity theft. He received a letter from an attorney claiming he owed over $2000 to an apartment mang. My friend has never lived in MD. Upon meetings, he discovered they had a copy of his driver’s lic, signature and other personal information. My friend recalls losing his driver’s license which had his signature and ss# on it. W/ the type of evidence/info they have, my friend feels defeated and is willing to pay the cost to clear up his credit. I disagree w/ him. Not only because it was not him, the attorney informed him after the lease was over, people (not the person who signed the lease) continued to live there on month to month bases. Then left the premises w/out paying. W/ that info, the attorney said my friend was liable to the charges incurred because his name was on the lease… even though the lease/contract ended? I am very concerned and want to help my friend. I do not feel he should pay for something he has not done. He is the victim. What step should my friend take? Fight or accept defeat and pay? Also, what is the law in MD in regards to an end of a lease. Is the signer still liable after the lease ends but other people decide to live there w/ the mangment knowledge? Thankyou