contract for deed
Is contract for deed legal in Illinois? Does your mortgage have to be free and clear in order to sell property contract for deed?
Tag Archives: Illinois
After purchasing a home on a land contract the owner has now declared bankruptcy.
After purchasing a home on a land contract the owner has now declared bankruptcy. How does this affect us in our contract with the owner?
Contract for deed I paid 1250 security deposit for a rental.
Contract for deed
I paid 1250 security deposit for a rental. That lease would have been up on Sept.30th. In June me and the landlord did a contract for deed on the house where we did a seperate contract and I paid what was due on that. I am expecting my security deposit back from the original rental and he is saying that it’s like earnest money that he’ll give it back to me at the end when I go in for the home loan – up to 3 years from now.
Contract for Deed I have a contract for deed to sell my house with someone.
Contract for Deed
I have a contract for deed to sell my house with someone. He rented the house out to his brother & he burned the house almost completely down. The person I have a contract with is not on title or an additional Insured is he entitled to insurance proceeds or is he in breach of contract.
Land Contracts Can A Person Break a Contract at will?
Land Contracts
Can A Person Break a Contract at will?I’m living in a home I am buying on contract.The owner is going Bankrupt and although he could affirm the debt on the home has decided not to and my family and myself are at risk of being thrown out.Can he legally do that?