Deeding real estate to adult children My mother-in-law would like to place her…

Deeding real estate to adult children
My mother-in-law would like to place her home in her two daughter’s names and remove her own name from the deed. She will continue to live in the home as long as she is able to live alone and care for herself. There is no mortgage or lien on the property. I have copies of two forms I received from Georgia: A Warranty Deed and a Quit Claim Deed. Which form would be the most appropriate to use? Can we do this without benefit of an attorney, or should we use an attorney? If we can do this without an attorney how do we register the new deed properly?

Thank you for your consideration.

Lien Our homeowners association has a lien on a property that owes for several…

Our homeowners association has a lien on a property that owes for several years of non-paid dues. A few months after the lien was placed, the ownership of the property transferred to someone else either through a quit claim deed or some other instrument. What happens to our lien against the property? Does it stay attached to the property, or do we need to sue the previous owner?

property division My ex-significant other and I split up 3 years ago (he…

property division
My ex-significant other and I split up 3 years ago (he doesn’t live with me and I only recently was able to obtain his phone number). We have 2 children together. He hasn’t seen them since we broke up. We jointly own a home which he has not paid a dime on in 3 yrs. I have an interest only loan which has recalculated every 6 months. He wants me out of the home and refuses to sign a quit claim deed. He only recenlty starting paying child support and is in arrears for several thousand dollars. My credit is shot due to the swings in my mortgage although I can now afford it. What can I do to get him off the deed and out of my life for good? He has demonstrated that he has no interest in the kids (13 and 10). I don’t want to partition because I will not be able to obtain a mortgage due to my credit record.

Divorce Decree & Quit Claim I divorced in 1999.

Divorce Decree & Quit Claim
I divorced in 1999. My ex and I agreed that I would sell the house and divide any earnings. After the house was on the market for awhile, I noticed it wasn’t selling. I remarried and decided to keep the house. The ex was fine with it and signed a quit claim deed. Before the divorce my ex moved out leaving me with the loan. I got behind on some of the payments. I workout the behind payments with the loan company, but its keeping me from refinancing and taking my ex name off of the loan. She is now trying to forced me to sell. Can she do that? And is there another way to get her off the loan?

assumable mortgage in my final divorce decree, my ex-wife is required to…

assumable mortgage
in my final divorce decree, my ex-wife is required to refinance the marital home at which time i will sign the quit claim deed over to her. (the house is im my name alone). she wants to assume the mortgage i currently have. is this a reasonable thing for me to consider? she has very bad credit and makes the current mortgage payments late every month. i have read online that lenders can come after the seller as well as the buyer if there is a default or some such thing. should i just push for her to get a mortgage on her own so i am free of any liability?