rental property and renter refuses to pay!
i have a rental property. Guy was going month to month. According to lease terms, I needed to give him 30 days to terminate month to month, which I gave him 40 days. I have asked him to sign a lease 12months – he refused. I have another renter ready to take home and sign 12 mo. Current tenant is not only refusing to leave on 15 June as notice was given, but he also is refusing to pay June rent. He says he will ”forfeit” his deposit and just stay and not pay rent. OUr agreement clearly states that deposit is not to be used as rent money (he could leave the house damaged and then I have no recourse). He emailed me and said because I only gave him 40 days notice, and I’m intentionally trying to ”hurt’ his family by doing this (untrue)..and he is calling me a liar and he doesn’t trust I will return his security deposit (unfounded !)..
what do I do to get my rent money? Do I have any options here!