Durable power of attorney
I have a General Durable Power of Attorney over my mother and she has been widowed and remarried since it was signed. Her last name has changed. Is the document still legal or do we need a new one?
Tag Archives: Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
If a durable power of attorney is registered in the State of SC, can the…
If a durable power of attorney is registered in the State of SC, can the District of Columbia void it?
statutory durable power of attorney After being notorized, does the power of…
statutory durable power of attorney
After being notorized, does the power of attorney document have to be filed with the county to be official?
durable power of attorney I had Durable Power of Attorney for both parents also…
durable power of attorney
I had Durable Power of Attorney for both parents also Health Power of attorney. When they died the nursing home in now holding me responsible I was told the Power of attorney released me from these resposibilities. They had no savings I had to pay for both funerals and the medical on both the medicine like to broke me. You will do anything for your parents but now the Nursing home is threating me and a collection agency is threating. I signed as their representive and the attorney said this would protect me please help me with an answer. I can’t take much more. Some hospitals said I was not responsible.
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durable power of attorney power of attorney
when does it expire upon death