Child Custody & Power of Attorney?
Dept of Social Svcs has custody of my best friends children and has for about 2 years. I have an old power of attorney (4 years ago dated & notorized) from her that gives me right to see after her children. Is the power of attorney still effective? Can I go to DSS and demand that they give me her kids? They are ready to terminate her parental rights and I want to adopt those children. Where do I stand with my paper?
Tag Archives: Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody and Adoption
contesting a will.
contesting a will.
MY sons father recently passed away. He had a large inheritance that was lef tin a trust as well as a living will. He has two children one with me the oldest 9yrs and one with another women 7yrs old. NEither of us were married. If he left one of the mother NEXT OF KIN and did not include the children can it be contested.
Living Will Living Will was prepared in N.
Living Will
Living Will was prepared in N.J.
Now reside in CA
Article in newspaper advises that a Living Will is not applicable in CA but that a ”Advance Health Care Directive” is.
Is my Living Will prepared in N.J. still legal and binding now that I reside in CA. ?
Thank you!
Power of Attorney A has given B General Durable Power of Attorney.
Power of Attorney
A has given B General Durable Power of Attorney. From a stroke A could not physically sign due to the effects of the stroke. The Power Of Attorney has been used by B after that incident. Now A (being of sound mind all the time) wants to change the Power of Attorney to include other signee’s in case B is not capable in the future.
Is this possible. Somebody said one cannot change it since B has used it to sign documents for A.
Also A has a living will. Does B have the power to make decicions contrary to the living will?
Child Guardianship If a friend was to use a living will and leave the unborn…
Child Guardianship
If a friend was to use a living will and leave the unborn child to myself, what steps need to be taken to ensure that I would gain custody of the child. Also if the fathers name is on the birth certificate would I have to prove him unfit?