Rental Agreement-Stamp paper price
Can a rental agreement be made in a stamp paper worth Rs 50?
Tag Archives: Consumer Law
Reneging on sale of car I recently moved overseas, and advertised my car in…
Reneging on sale of car
I recently moved overseas, and
advertised my car in Somerville, MA
for sale on a website. A trusted friend
handled the inspection. By email I
agreed to sell the car to a CT lawyer
for $8800. He emailed me a bill of
sale, and I signed it and sent him a
pdf of it, Fedexing the original to my
friend who was going to attend the
handover of title, which I signed but
did not fill in. My trusted friend in
Somerville was to put the buyer’s
name on the Title at a handover
meeting. The buyer even emailed me
a bank check with my name on it for
the $8800 agreed price. The buyer
has not yet picked up the car.
Meanwhile, while this is being
organized, I suddenly got a
trustworthy, much greater, offer for
the car. I emailed the CT lawyer and
explained, and said I wanted to
accept the higher offer if he can’t
match it. I offered him $100 as a
He said no, that he believes that the
transaction makes the car his at
$8800, and he wants to pick it up
and get the Title.
What do you think? Am I forced to
give the car over to the lawyer, or
can I legally renege because I have
the title and he does not have the
original signed Bill of Sale?
Thank you.
Car title I purchased a car while living in mississippi.
Car title
I purchased a car while living in mississippi.. Ive sinced relocated.. i have bill of sale & copy of title appl filled out @dealership (01/08). dealership hasnt processed my title & can’t find record of title. has not sent a title to me & dmv at all. not able to register,sell, drive,or even park my car on the street.
buyer agreed to pay for smog check We recently sold a car and told the buyer it…
buyer agreed to pay for smog check
We recently sold a car and told the buyer it had not been registered or smoged (it was 5 days late) But we told a previous interested buyer that we would accept $500 less our asking price due to the fees and small repairs (not mechanical) So I offered the same deal (500 less) to the next couple, they agreed. We explained the minor things our mechanic ajusted and explained again the fees. They agreed to buy it and take care of it. It did not pass the smog and are requesting we pay to repair and smog it or they will take us to court. They signed a bill of sale stating sold as is and no guarentee or warranty. Plus our verble agreement that they are getting the car for less as long as they take care of the fees. What should I do????
Disclosure Laws Merchant sold me a supposed ”new” car.
Disclosure Laws
Merchant sold me a supposed ”new” car. I later
discovered that it was actually a ”demo” which had
been dented on the back panel and sent to a body shop
for repair. My insurance company told me that this
lowered the value of the car and suggested I consult an
attorney. Questions: Were they required to make this
disclosue as to the body work on the car? Shouldn’t
they have marked ”demo” instead of ”new” on the
appropriate box on the bill of sale? Is this fraud to be
charged a new car price for a previously damaged
demo? What can I expect them to do to remedy this?