I have power of attorney over my dads medical decisions.

I have power of attorney over my dads medical decisions.
he has cancer.what steps and paperwork do we need to take
for me to be over his check account to pay his bills.?
he is willing his truck to my son,but money is still owed on truck?he also has a life insurance policy.how do i take control
of all his issues for him?

Hello, I am a female national guard soldier about to deploy to Iraq in Jan.

Hello, I am a female national guard soldier about to deploy to Iraq in Jan. I have 3 children and I am remarried. My ex says he will persue custody of my younger 2 while I am in Iraq. I have domicile and he has joint with visitation when agreed upon between both parties. He is 7000 behind in childsupport, doesn’t have a stable home, or employment. We divorced due to his drug addiction to crack cocaine. I am not fully convinced, due to his lack of ability to hold a job and stable home, that he is not still using illegal drugs. My current husband and I have a stable home, and jobs. If he were to succeed, he would seperate them from their older brother, change their schools, friends, and move them out of state. I already have a power of attorney over the children going to my current husband per my army family care plan. what else can I do?

power of attorney My mother is in a rest home and my sister has power of…

power of attorney
My mother is in a rest home and my sister has power of attorney of her. Me and my brother think that she may be stealing from my mothers estate. As heirs to my mothers estate do we have the right to see the transactions that my sister is conducting and if so how do we accomplish this. SAM


Mr. Ravi had given a Power of Attorney to Mr. Raju and Shailesh, but he has published a Public Notice stating that he has cancelled all the Powers, and had sold the land to us. Now the PoA holders are demanding for money from us. Do the PoA holders have any legal rights. Any transaction of money between the owners and the PoA holder is not mentioned in the PoA.