Minimum legal age to sign a rental lease contract.

Minimum legal age to sign a rental lease contract.
What is the statute in Missouri for the legal minimum age of a person to sign a lease to rent an apartment and be fully responsible? I have a 17yr. who signed and 1-1/2mo later turned 18yrs. He stayed for 5 mos & split. He now says he was under age to sign the contract and is not responsible for the back rent. The lease doesn’t specify a minimum age limit..
Your help is appreciated! Thanks

One thought on “Minimum legal age to sign a rental lease contract.

  1. Re: Minimum legal age to sign a rental lease contract.
    Generally in Missouri a person must be 18 years old to sign a legally enforceable contract. In your case however you may still be able to collect the back rent from him under the theory that he was a month to month tenant for those monthes he lived on your premises after he was 18. If you are not already represented and your case is in the Eastern part of the State, you may call me for a free telephone consultation at 314-727-2822.

    Michael R. Nack
    Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law
    200 South Bemiston (307)
    St. Louis, MO 63105

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