I own a rental property and I would like to end the tenancy with the current renters. There is a family emergency and I would like to let my mother move into the home due to her current residence being flooded. I asked them a couple weeks ago if they could be out in two months, which is the end of their lease agreement. But they are not cooperating and do not want to leave within this time critical situation. So my question is; Can I give them a “Notice to Quit” 30 days prior to the end of the lease or do I have to wait until the lease is over and then serve the Notice to Quit? Second question, if they choose to stay beyond the end of the lease terms and I am forced to wait an additional month, how much notice do I need to give them to raise the rent?
The terms of your lease should govern the raising of rent after lease is over. If it is silent, you only have a reasonableness argument. In terms if the notice to quit, I would think one given before the beginning of their last month would be appropriate. That way if they are not out on the last paid day of the month, you can move to evict the next day. Have you thought of offering them money to move out early? They are already gone on two months and surely it would be worth it to you. Just a thought. Visit http://www.kliszlaw.com to discuss. Tim Klisz
Timothy Klisz
Klisz Law Office, PLLC
39111 W. Six Mile Rd.
Livonia, MI 48152