I manage a mobile home park in california we rent spaces to mobile homes and trailers. We had a tenant that moved a trailer on a lot many years ago and was paying the rent on the lot in sept of 2007 the payments stoped coming. we sent out all the proper papers to his address he contacted us and explained that his mother took care of paying all of his bills but had died .so he sent us a check and cought up on the overdue amount and stoped paying againand that was november of 2007 we sent all the right papers again but got no response we then filled with the court and posted pay or quit and abandinment notices on the trailer and sent copies to the tennant with no response. In lite spring of 2008 sombody saying that he was brother of the tennant and that our tennant had also died and the trailer was there dead mothers and not his. we informed the brother that he could not remove the trailer until all the back rent had been paid and he left.we then found out that the trailer was put into probate so we hired a lawyer threw a mobile home assoc.and he was useless didn’t know what he was doing we are now in summer of 2009 we reciveda letter from the estate informing us that they were going to forfit the trailer to us to settle tha debt and send all the paper work to us it is now april 2010 and have not recieved any paper work at all.
My question is how do we get a title for this trailer so we can sell it to recoupe 16 -18 months of back rents
Thank You Mark
(ps) sorry for the novel
Well the simplest thing to do is become the “squeeky wheel” for the estate. Start calling them once a day, or sending a letter once a week asking that they send the paperwork. If you have the address of the court and the probate case numbrer, cc: the letters to the probate judge. If that doesn’t work, you will need to go through the whole DMV abandonment process naming the estate administrator as owner.
Timothy McCormick
Libris Solutions – Dispute Resolution Services
1990 N. California Blvd., 8th Fl
Walnut Creek, CA 94596