I entered into a land contract for a Condo and I have been told that after the land contract ends 2years I will either have to get a mortgage or I will be foreclosed on, can they do that? Is there any way to void or get out of this contract?
I entered into a land contract for a Condo and I have been told that after the land contract ends 2years I will either have to get a mortgage or I will be foreclosed on, can they do that? Is there any way to void or get out of this contract?
You would have to look carefully at the land contract and purchase agreement you signed at closing. Did it have a balloon payment and 24 monthly payments? I would be happy to speak to you about this matter. Visit http://www.kliszlaw.com to discuss. Tim Klisz
Timothy Klisz
Klisz Law Office, PLLC
39111 W. Six Mile Rd.
Livonia, MI 48152