hold harmless
I will be soon renting a house from a person I have known for many years. Next to the house is a large old empty barn and several smaller outbuildings.We are not renting the barns, however, I have 2 sons who will be in the barns for play, with the landlords permission. I would like to know what kind of agreement we can use to protect landlord from suit if an accident were to happen.
Thank You
Re: hold harmless
An agreement with another landlord in another place.
YOU can sign a piece of paper that says, No matter what I will not sue you if something happens to my kids in your barns, but your KIDS cannot do that and you cannot do it for them.
Check to make sure your new landlord has premises liability insurance.
Elizabeth Powell
ELizabeth Powell PS Inc
535 Dock Street, Suite 108
Tacoma, WA 98402