Evition Notices in my state how would the eviction process work.

Evition Notices
in my state how would the eviction process work. cause i haven’t paid rent yet this month and the month isn’t even over and i got a eviction notice on the 21st of july sayin i had to be out by the 26th of july. so i have less than a week to move when the month isn’t even over and this is the first and only time i have ever not paid or been late on rent. My lease covers nothing on eviction it only has information on abandonmant. now i’m pretty sure that the land lord has to give me at least 2 weeks to a month to vacate the property. another thing is that i was never handed the eviction notice instead it was givin to someone who isn’t even on the lease. is this legal to do or what here. and my lease is month to month if that makes a difference?

One thought on “Evition Notices in my state how would the eviction process work.

  1. Re: Evition Notices
    In Indiana (and other states, California for one), a tenant who fails to pay rent is deemed to have terminated the lease, and can be evicted in five days. If you go to court, the only thing the judge will want to hear is that you paid the rent. If you don’t go to court, then you will be evicted for sure, with the help of a court officer (like a deputy sheriff). Here is an Indiana University Student Legal Services website with helpful information. Good luck.

    C. David DuMond
    Law Offices of David DuMond
    2478 South Delaware Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46225-2002

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