What are my alternatives to conservatorship Aunt is under investigation of…

What are my alternatives to conservatorship
Aunt is under investigation of Fiduciary Elder Abuse against grandparents. Durable power of attorney and Trustee has been revoked for grandma. Can’t revoke grandpa’s because he’s incapacitated with Alhzeimers and can’t sign. But he’s in danger of Financial abuse by her as well. There’s community property i.e. real estate (currently for sale), and an annuity. That my grandmother would like to get without involving the ”Aunt”. What options do we have besides conservatorship to revoke Aunts Power of Attorney and Trustee.

2 wills and 2 powerof attorney My mother and i are the only survivors of our…

2 wills and 2 powerof attorney
My mother and i are the only survivors of our family.

When i was away, 1998, she gave durable power of attorney to my father’s sister, and wrote a will.

In 1999, she decided this was a bad idea and wrote a new will and durable power of attorney given to me. She asked my aunt to give the old poa and will back, but she refused to do so. Now it appears my aunt is using her poa.

what can my mother do to get this back?