What deed would we use a Quit claim deed or a Life estate deed?

What deed would we use a Quit claim deed or a Life estate deed?
My Mother-in-Law is going to deed the house to my husband. We live with my mother-in-law in the house and we have agreed to live there with her until she passes away this was a promise my husband gave to his father (to take care of his mother she is 72 years old) She is going to deed the house to my husband so that we can put a mortgage on the house to do some major house repairs. We were told of the life estate deed and then we were told of the quit claim deed which is best for our situation for a loan and so that we can aviod probate of an estate when she passes.

my dad wants to add my name to the deed w/o the selling portion of a regular…

my dad wants to add my name to the deed w/o the selling portion of a regular quit claim deed. he still has a mortgage on the house we live in. can he have a living trust on his house executed if he still has a lien on it? what do we do to make sure the house goes to me in the event of his demise,he is 82 years old.

thank you very much

Do I have right to ownership,if my name is on the title , but.

Do I have right to ownership,if my name is on the title , but…
My husband owed me a lot of money , and we were getting a divorce . He said the only way he could pay me back was if I agreed to use my good credit to refinance the house, which I did ..we got divorced and I gave him rights to the house .. he never asked me to do a quit claim even though it was stated that I was to do that in the divorce papers . So my name is still on the house and he passed away..do I have any rights to ownership ? or am I required to sign the house over to the heirs ?
he never payed back all the money he owed me, and filed bankrupsy soon after our divorce , which almost ruined my good credit.. so does the divorce paper or the deed hold more weight ? please respond …Tk

Wavier of rights and sale of homestead My mother died and had no will.

Wavier of rights and sale of homestead
My mother died and had no will. Their were just myself, my brother and my sister. Both my sister and my brother wavied their claims to the estate to me. Now I am selling the house and am told that I need a “quit claim” deed from both. Is this the only way that I can sell the house? My brother is very hard to locate and the closing is set for July 11,2000. Is there anything that I can do to make this closing happen.

Do I need to go through Probate?

Do I need to go through Probate?
My mother past away. One week before she died she did a Quit Claim deed and put the house in the her name, my sisters name, and my name. The home is worth about 180,000. This is the only asset she had. She was on MediCal for many years, so I know that the state will put a lien on the property once I contact the Revenue and Recovery office. I am trying to avoid the cost of attorney fees and probate costs. I contacted her mortgage company and they have informed me of the following:

In order for the loan to be transferred into my sister and my names, that we must first submit a Letter of Administration. My mother had no Will or Trust. After doing some research of my own, I found that I will have to Petition for Probate in order to receive this. Why wont the Quit Claim Deed suffice? Other than the filing fees, how much does Probate cost? Can I do this on my own withough the help of an attorney? Nobody will contest anything. The only next of kin are my sister and me. There were no other assets. If the state is going to take a huge portion due to the MediCal she received, I would like to avoid as much other fees as possible. Please help. Thanks.