Living Will
I had a Living Will made out in the state of Ct. three and half years ago.Now, I live in Florida. Is my Will legal in this state ?
Category Archives: Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
Living Will I had a living will made out Via an attorney in 1994.
Living Will
I had a living will made out Via an attorney in 1994. How long is it valid in Florida
Difference between Living Wills,Living Trusts and Wills My husband & I are…
Difference between Living Wills,Living Trusts and Wills
My husband & I are trying to decide which is better for us in regards to planning. We own a home worth $400,000.00
it is not paid off. I have $200,000 in life insurance, he has $100,000 (I earn more) plus our 401K’s. I will inherite Real Estate, cash and jewelry worth $500,000 in the future. My question is which would protect us the most the Living Trust, Living Will or a Will? Our main concern is making sure the other one is protected for the rest of their life.
Thank you for your time,
Cyndi–name removed–
Eldery parents My husbands parents are getting older and don’t seem to have…
Eldery parents
My husbands parents are getting older and don’t seem to have things in ”order” They are open to help but we don’t know exactly what to do. poa? living will? dpoa?
re living trusts hi my mom died a few days ago and i want to know what the will…
re living trusts
hi my mom died a few days ago and i want to know what the will states i havent seen the will but my sister has and when i ask to see a copy of the will im told no and iam one of the heirs on the will my mother had a living trust and her property vaule is at at least 1 million dollars or better . my sister is not the executor of the will but my brother is . but my sister has got the will and living trust in her hands now. when i ask what iam getting she refuses to tell me and told me if i asked about the will than she will give me. one dollar and no more if i try to hire an attonery than i will be cut out of the will. how can they do that . she said only her and my brother will decide about the sale of the property and that i dont have any rights to help with the sale of the house . my mom couldnt see very well when the will was drawn up and i beleive my brother had undo presure over her giving him rts to all of the property and now my sistert and him wont tell me a thing and told me i cant even have a copy of the will. my sister is also putting changes in the living will with a lady who drew up the trust to add more names to the orig documents in the will. help they said they are not even going to probate court either on this.