Contesting probate when the deceased had no will.

Contesting probate when the deceased had no will.
My mother was killed last March. She had no will. She is survived by two daughters and a husband. This was her 2nd long term marriage. The first was to my father. During the uncontested divorce between my mother & father, there was a verbal agreement concerning the family home. She was to keep the house with the intention of passing it on to myself and my sister. I assume that the property in question now belongs to my step-father. What recourse, if any do we(myself & my sister) have in obtaining this property? What if my step-father refuses to draw up a living will promising the property to us upon his death? If he remarries, how can we assure that the house & a few other items(which where my mothers before the marriage) not go to the new wife?

Living Will Trust My mother and father have a living will trust.

Living Will Trust
My mother and father have a living will trust. My father recently passed away and now my mother is the power of attorney. My mother was diagnosed with begining stage of Alzheimers and my sister informed me that since my mother is not capable of making decisions that my sisters and I have the power of attorney. She now tells me that I must give up my right as such and give her sole power of attorney,. Now that was not in the will and does she have the right to change it? Will this make the will null and void? Will she be allowed to put my mother in a honme and sell her home and cars and all she owns?

power of attorney, living trust, and living will my mother has had a living…

power of attorney, living trust, and living will
my mother has had a living will and a certificate of trust and i have power of attorney over her affairs, i am selling her home and need to know if i can put her on state funded insurance without touching the proceeds from her estate. these have been in effect since dec of 2002