Existing Will vs.

Existing Will vs. New Marriage
One year ago our father opted to marry an assisted living care employee that took care of his dying wife, now deceased. Among other stories, her green card was expiring and he wanted someone to take care of him tell he died and she agreed, saying she loved him, etc., so she would not be deported they got married. Are the wills, power of attorney and living will that the children have now, that were written prior to this situation, any longer legal or in effect, with Washington being a community property state, if he were to pass away?

Living trust vs.

Living trust vs.spoken wishes
My mother died very suddenly…from the time she was diagnosed with cancer to the time she died was four and a half weeks.On the same date as my father, brother, and I trusted her to make the decision, on her own, to not resuscitate; she verbally let us know how she wanted the inheritance split when she died. She also made these wishes known to her sister, her mother, and my girlfriend.
My father is not honoring her wishes and, I believe, slowly spending our share. I do have a hand written note of ”things to do” from her and on that paper, #2 thing to do says ”get living will done”. Unfortunately she did not have enough time.
My mother and father had a Living Trust I believe and he is using that as an excuse not to pay. If my mother would have had more time on the face of the earth she would have had a will made up to her wishes.
My question is…are my brother and I entitled to the share of the inheritance that she wanted us to have?