powers of attorney
what powers does an agent have with general power of attorney vs. general durable power of attorney?
Category Archives: Probate, Trusts, Wills & Estates
Power of Attorney – which form to use There are a number of power of attorney…
Power of Attorney – which form to use
There are a number of power of attorney forms. One is a General form and the other that I am questioning is called a Durable Power of Attorney. My husband has Parkinson disease along with dementia. Most of the time he is compentent, but there are times when he sort of goes to his ‘own place.’ Would the General Power of Attorney be effective if he does not have the ability to understand information. If I use the Durable form, is it only effective if he is unable to handle information or communicate coherently. Which form best suits a situation where a person is sometime coherent and other times not?
Powers of Attorney & Will 1.
Powers of Attorney & Will
1. Do I need a laywer to create a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care; General Power of Attorney & Designation of Guardian; and Executor of an Estate?
2. Can I official file these documents with a state agency, so that it is all official?
3. How do I give my child legal guardianship over me as I aging and not comfortable with paying my own bills, or preparing my own food? What state agency would assist in making this official and legal?
4. Can I write a simple will although all of my real estate property (land survey of boundaries) is not completely in order? My husband died without a will and now my 2 children have 1/3 stake in the property. Can I write a simple will that states that I will my property and possessions to my 2 living children equally 50/50?
Deed of Gift or Power of Attorney I was wondering if a deed of gift was signed…
Deed of Gift or Power of Attorney
I was wondering if a deed of gift was signed in 1980, and a general power of attorney was given to a different person in 1984 does the deed of gift still stands or does the power of attorney over ride the deed of gift?
wills, regarding parent to children My question is, my mother needs advice on…
wills, regarding parent to children
My question is, my mother needs advice on how to proceed with her father giving her and her sisters one property which he owns in Mexico, he is the only one listed as sole owner and my mom or her sisters cannot get their father to go resolve this issue and change property owners to indicate them as heirs, due to fact that he is too weak to travel and under Dr’s care. Can my mom have him sign a general power of attorney indicating that the property would belong to his daughters in case he dies? or what forms are legal and needed to guarantee they become sole heirs for that one and only property in Mexico. My grandfather is widowoer and doesn’t have a will here in the U.S. or Mexico. Your attention in helping resolve this issue is greatly appreciated. Please call me @ (213)307-4146 or email: eplovesijes@hotmail.com Thank You, EP