notice to quit
please could you help. we have a timeshare in florida which we can no longer afford we have tried to give it back but they don’t want it.can we do a notice to quit or do you have any other suggestions
Category Archives: Landlord & Tenants
I own a rental property and I would like to end the tenancy with the current…
I own a rental property and I would like to end the tenancy with the current renters. There is a family emergency and I would like to let my mother move into the home due to her current residence being flooded. I asked them a couple weeks ago if they could be out in two months, which is the end of their lease agreement. But they are not cooperating and do not want to leave within this time critical situation. So my question is; Can I give them a “Notice to Quit” 30 days prior to the end of the lease or do I have to wait until the lease is over and then serve the Notice to Quit? Second question, if they choose to stay beyond the end of the lease terms and I am forced to wait an additional month, how much notice do I need to give them to raise the rent?
unlawful detainer I served my room mate a ”30 Day Notice to Quit” last month.
unlawful detainer
I served my room mate a ”30 Day Notice to Quit” last month. He says he will NOT move. What is an ”unlawful detainer” and how and when and by whom is it served to the room-mate?
Louisiana Eviction Laws My mother lives in Lousiana and has been told she has…
Louisiana Eviction Laws
My mother lives in Lousiana and has been told she has to vacate the house she rents on a month to month basis by THIS weekend. (This was told to her on Wednesday, May 13th.) Her rent for this month is paid in full, she paid first and last months rent plus deposit when she moved in. She has dogs, which are allowed, which she brings in every night. Her landlord told her by mouth only to leave this weekend b/c her dogs bark all night, he did not give her a Notice to Quit. What are her legal rights and options and can she get the money back she has already paid if she has to leave?
Telephone Installation Charges A tenant that rents a apartment connected to my…
Telephone Installation Charges
A tenant that rents a apartment connected to my house has asked to hook up a landline telephone. This has never been an issue with tenants in the past since they used cell phones. She said I am required to supply a working telephone line. This can be done but it costs $100 to make the necessary connections. She is withholding this amount from her rent. I know I have to have the capability of her being able to have a telephone but does the necessary work have to be done at my expense. This was never discussed when I rented her the apartment.
If it is not my responsibility, can I give her a 3-day notice to quit or pay rent for this amount owing on the rent?