My landlord served me with a 10 day notice to quit order but I am not even 1 full months rent behind. Is this legal? He has last months rent, can I use this money for January’s rent? If not why?
Category Archives: Landlord & Tenants
I have received a notice to quit from my landlord for a lease violation what…
I have received a notice to quit from my landlord for a lease violation what should I do
Eviction of unauthorized people in rental Tenant collected rent from 5 people…
Eviction of unauthorized people in rental
Tenant collected rent from 5 people living in our house with him for 4 mo. without our knowl. He did not pay Jan. & Feb. rent to us. We served him notice to quit or pay rent. Tenant moved out. Other people stayed and paid back rent to us. Pd thru 2/28/07. We offered them a 2 mo. lease to give them time to find other place because of 2 sm. children, They didn’t call, sign or pay 3-07 rent. 3-2, told them to pay or move out. Can I legally change locks , tell them to move?
Evicting Ex-fiance Relationship was dissolved over 3 years ago and ex will not…
Evicting Ex-fiance
Relationship was dissolved over 3 years ago and ex will not move. Have finally had enough! Told him to get out, I want my house back (it is in my name only). Still won’t leave. He has no place to go. I was informed that I can’t physically move him out because he can sue me for ”intent to convert his property”? and that I have to give him 60 days on a ”notice to quit”? Is this correct? Where are my rights in all this? I have made all the payments and all the bills while this deadbeat lived for free basically and he has rights? What kind of recourse do I have, if any and is it really 60 days?
Rent Increases I am interested in your opinon on how to inform a tennant of a…
Rent Increases
I am interested in your opinon on how to inform a tennant of a rent increase. I have been told that a Notice to Quit is the proper form but I have also been told that you only use such a form if the tennant is in breach on the lease/rental agreement. Can you tell me the best way to inform the tennant. I am a relatively new landlord. Thanks!!