How to evict with no lease agreement
I own a two family house that I live in and rent to other apt to family members who share the rent, I never draw a lease, some of the family have left, I’m stuck with 2 family member who currently are not proving me with rent. My questioin is – Can I evict them for other only” Notice to Quit” for them to move. I will never get any money out of them, they are financial not making anything. I gave them a letter to quit and now preparing papers for the eviction. Do I need a Notice to Cease?
Category Archives: Landlord & Tenants
notice to quit without lease I need to begin eviction proceedings on my tenets…
notice to quit without lease
I need to begin eviction proceedings on my tenets but have no lease agreement with them. The ”notice to quit” document i downloaded contains language regarding the lease. Do i use this form or a different one. Thank you so much.
eviction of ten.
eviction of ten.failure to pay rent
if we do not have a lease do we need a Notice to quit and can we take these people to small clais court for the balance due?
Notice to Quit (eviction) I am a landlord.
Notice to Quit (eviction)
I am a landlord. My tenant recieves govt. assistance. her lease has expired and she’s now a tenant at will. recently she was arrested for drug charges. What type of notice to quit do I send her in order to start eviction. I am in MA. thanks.
Eviction of family member from parent’s house Hi.
Eviction of family member from parent’s house
Hi. My last remaining parent recently passed and the estate would like to sell their house. Unfortunately, a family member has lived there for years (rent free) and is not in any hurry to vacate. We tried to have the police make him leave, but they would not get involved, calling it a civil matter. Anyway, do I have to use summary process and serve him with a notice to quit? He never paid rent, but he’s lived there for many years (over 20 as adult), with parents up until about a year ago. It seems like he was never really a ”tenant,” per se.