fighting a notice to quit
i signed a lease in 1980 with my wife. we were divorced and she moved out in 1990. i now have my cousing living with me. she has 1 daughter. a spiteful friend told the rental association of my new arrangement and i received a notice to quit(n.j.s.a. 2a:18-61.1(d,e)
the have terminated my lease jan 1 2004.
they have demanded possesion.
i wish to fight this and keep my apartment.
what steps do i take to stop the lease termination???
Category Archives: Landlord & Tenants
how does the sale impact an eviction?
how does the sale impact an eviction?
My gf Mary rec’d a notice to quit from LL (landlord) A and his attny giving her 90 days to leave (which is fine by her but may need an add’l month til the closing of her new house). Shortly after the initial NTQ she started receiving letters from the same attny but listing Mr. A’s son only as the property owner & LL. Appt’ly, Mr. A sold the house to his son abt a month after he sent the initial NTQ. She is convinced that she has a defense against the new LL, Mr. A’s son bcse he cont’d with the eviction process that was initiated by his dad & that there’s no proof that Mr. A assigned his rights. Under Mass evic law, was anyone obligated to inform her of the sale and assignment of rights? She thinks that her case can be dismissed based on the fact that the new LL didn’t follow the eviction rules. How about if they just bring the ”assignment of rights” document to court? The ll’s attny probably knows that that’s her defense to get some add’l time. She’s already 2 wks past the 90 days. Couldn’t they just ”crush” her only defense by backdating an ”assignment sheet” and presenting it to court? what is required by law when you ”assign” your rights to a new owner? Her trial is nxt wk & she’s going w/no attny (no $) Help me help her!
There was a 3 day notice to quit posted on my door 9/2/09 with the date of…
There was a 3 day notice to quit posted on my door 9/2/09 with the date of 8/28/09 on it. Is this document considered legal, and am I considered served? There is no court seal on it, it is a mere photocopy. Besides the notice to quit ther is a notice to all occupants at said property, stating that previous rent contracts MAY be honored to forward rent to a specific address. Should we actually do this, what about fraud?
3 Day Notice Of Intention To Terminate Tenancy And Notice To Quit I have lived…
3 Day Notice Of Intention To Terminate Tenancy And Notice To Quit
I have lived with my grandparents for 30 something years since I was 2yrs old. My uncle (their son) took P.O.A. and sent this notice to me. Can he throw me out in 3 days? I’ve never paid rent!
Payment received ”under protest” My tenants sent me a payment for past due…
Payment received ”under protest”
My tenants sent me a payment for past due rent ”under protest”. This amount is the balance of a Notice to Quit demand which ended on July 2. They wish to create a new tenancy with this payment. I do not. I am continuing the eviction process and have a court date scheduled for end of August. Despite their instructions, can I accept this for use and occupation only and cash this check with proper notification as to the application?