landlord and tenat laws
I am having trouble getting my landlord to do repairs to my trailer. I have notified her in person over 1 year ago when I first moved in September 2007 and again almost every month with payment of rent either written or in person. I have mailed a letter to them a little over a month ago stating that the repairs have not been done with an itemized listing and when the landlord was notified etc.. I have asked when these repairs would be completed and was told on several ocassions that they were not authorized to spend any money on repairs and that a work order has been submitted. I have been waiting over a year and am getting tired of waiting for the repairs to be done. I also have a question about evictions notices/notice to quit. I recieve these notices on the 2 of the month. My questions are. What is my rights for the repairs and how to get action? When are the landlords allowed to give a notice to quit?
Category Archives: Landlord & Tenants
House sold and family members won’t move out My father’s house is in escrow and…
House sold and family members won’t move out
My father’s house is in escrow and it’s closing in 7 days. His brother and sister have been living there for over 5 years, but have never paid rent and no lease agreement was ever established. The house was listed on 4/8/05 and his siblings were verbally informed on 4/9/05 that the house is for sale and they need to be moving out within 30 days. Neither of them have been packing any of their possessions to move out. What do I need to do to have them move out by the close of escrow? Is a 3 day notice to quit sufficient? Also, if they refuse to pack up their belongings can I pack them up myself and get rid of them? What other legal actions do I need to take to have them vacate the home before escrow closes? Thank you in advance!
landlord/tenant My landlord issued me a 30 day notice to quit for noise.
My landlord issued me a 30 day
notice to quit for noise. she said I
was warned 3 times in the nearly 6
years that i lived here. each time
she has gone on the word of the
same tenant. at no time were, the
police called, another tenant
complained or the landlord arrived. I
have joint custody of my daughter,
can she make me move in 30 days?
eviction notice Our landlord lost our property to foreclosure.
eviction notice
Our landlord lost our property to foreclosure. A 30 day notice to quit letter was posted on my door, meant for all the tenants here. I have been told by two different people that this notice is not legit because the attorney for the bank who bought this property drew it up, it is not a form from the court. Is this true? Does the 30 day notice to quit form need to be from the court in order for it to be considered legit?
eviction notice I was late on last months rent payment (payed in full on nov…
eviction notice
I was late on last months rent payment (payed in full on nov 20)Now on the 1st day of dec.the landlord gave me a 7 day notice to quit. I have a 1 year lease with him. What should I do?He constantly is phoning and e-mailing subtle threats to me. he has raised the rent from 650 to 700 already (ive been here since july and only late on the rent once) and wants me to sign a new lease with a 100 increase again in the rent.