Selling a mobile home
I sold a mobile home in $10,000. I made an agreememt with a notary where the lady agreed to pay $300 every month and be responsible since that day to pay the rent and utilities for the parking. Now 5 months later she just got out because she bought a house and she says she won’t pay the manager as well as the monthly payments she own us. I went to the court where they told the case was complicated and didn’t give advice they said go to a lawyer. Basically the lawyer said he needs $5000 and i don’t have that money besides that the property cost only $10,000. I don’t know what to do because if i want to go to court i have to know which papers to file and i don’t plus the lawyers said that a notarized paper won’t be much help and that she has all the rights. Please help me.
Category Archives: Civil Rights Law
Transfer of power of Housing Soceity Secretary Can Secretary of an housing…
Transfer of power of Housing Soceity Secretary
Can Secretary of an housing society transfer his powers & duties to other person by giving power of attorney
My Question is regarding Power of Attorney and it’s validity…
My Question is regarding Power of Attorney and it’s validity pertaining to Karnataka Stamp Act.
If a power of Attorney is issued by a person to his wife’s brother (Brother in law), what should be the stamp duty that this Power of attorney document should bear.
Thanks and Regards,
Sanil Rodrigues
Power of Attorney Legal binding if form is retreived from the internet or does…
Power of Attorney
Legal binding if form is retreived from the internet or does it have to go through the court system?
If Power of Attorney applies to a prison inmate, can it override any type of medical information needed to access a situation that has caused a medical issue that may result in a death that could possibly be avoided, at least for a longer period of time.
Eviction The Landlord Served me with a 60-dau notice to quit & served me with a…
The Landlord Served me with a 60-dau notice to quit & served me with a 60-day notice to increase rent on 2/2/07 when the notice is dated 11/27/06 after I exercised my right to ”repair & deduct” (CALIF CIVIL CODE 1941 & 1942). I sdvised the landlord of repairs over 6 months ago which include and not limited to the kitchen faucet cold water not running, the garbage disposal leaking profusley and had to be wrapped in duct tape. I had to use a bucket to catch the water. Electrical outlets shorting out and almost caused a fire in my bedroom. I am not sure which way to go with this.