Carlton Arms
My apartment lease is up and I have been told by the Apartment Complex that I must sign another years lease and must forfit my damage deposit if I move before the next year is up. I would like to pay month to month now because I plan on buying a new home soon. My question is, can they keep my damage deposit if I do not sign another years lease?
Re: Carlton Arms
Generally, unless you have damaged the apartment, the security or damage deposit should be returned to the tenant upon the end of the lease term. Without reading the lease, I cannot give you any further guidance. Good luck.
Peter Gonzalez
Sanchez-Medina, Gonzalez, Quesada, Lage, Crespo, Gomez & MachadoLLP
2333 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Suite 302
Coral Gables, FL 33134