can i the home owner apply for a silent titel with out the help of attorner
i purchased a house on a land contract now i can’t get a good titel i’d like to know can i apply for a silent titel with out a attorney ? and if so how.
can i the home owner apply for a silent titel with out the help of attorner
i purchased a house on a land contract now i can’t get a good titel i’d like to know can i apply for a silent titel with out a attorney ? and if so how.
Re: can i the home owner apply for a silent titel with out the help of attorner
Why is it that you can’t get a deed? Is the land contract paid off? If it is then go to the seller and demand a deed. If the land contract is paid off, and the land contract vendor is somehow unavailable (i.e. dead), you might bring an action to clear up the title.
Can you do it without a lawyer? Not likely.
Don Darnell
Darnell & Lulgjuraj, P.C.
311 Weiser Way, Chelsea Clocktower
Chelsea, MI 48118
Re: can i the home owner apply for a silent titel with out the help of attorner
To Whom It May Concern:
This is in response to your email of June 25, 2001, which this office received on June 29, 2001.
You have not provided me with enough information to appropriately answer your question. However, it is my opinion that whenever an individual has problems obtaining clean title on real property it is in their own interest to hire a competent attorney experienced in real estate law.
Michael D. Eberth
(313) 561-5700